Monday, March 31, 2014

(Guest post from Greg)


We have completed a number of huge milestones in the basement! Carpet has happened. Tile in the bathroom is nearly done. The toilet and vanity are installed!

Apparently even the plumbing is working. That's a plus.

We purchased the drop ceiling and the baseboard trim as well. Allan and I will be installing that this week. It will be such a major improvement in the soundproofing of the basement as well. Right now, when Nym starts to scratch (her leg hits the floor every time), it sounds like someone is pounding on the door to get it. Funny, but not ideal for napping/movie time/video games (the major things that will happen in that space. 

Andrea has seriously done a remarkable job on the tile in the bathroom. I think she may have realized that it is more work than she initially thought, but it's pretty rewarding for her to see what she has accomplished. It's been fun to watch the transformation.  :-)

The stairs to the basement. We got nice padding under the carpet, so it's really soft and 
springy. We are extremely happy with the end result!

Living room with LoveSac and drop ceiling supplies.

Living room with a shot of what trim will look like.

Living room from another angle. We painted all of our ducting white. It looks WAY better.

The vanity! We love it. It will look even better with the mirror up!

Andrea's incredible tile work. 

Installed and functional toilet. Love it. Notice Andrea's tile work in the background and 
the vinyl floor tiles. Both look good due solely to her diligence and care. I'm pretty freaking grateful.

We also hosted my fraternity brothers from undergrad this weekend. We had a blast and really enjoyed having that space in the basement for one of the families that showed up. It gave them a lot of privacy and allowed them to just sleep and join us when they were ready. As a group, I am really grateful to have them in my life. They helped with some of the installs, cleaned up after themselves, and provided food for the whole weekend. Basically they acted like grateful, mature adults. Wonderful.  :-)

More to come soon! We're looking forward to the final inspections that should be happening on Friday!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Taking shape

The past week the basement has really started to take shape. We (actually Allan and Greg, I clean up after them) are finishing rooms and making tons of progress. We've had LATE nights and I am exhausted as I'm sure the boys are, but we're hosting a bunch of Greg's frat brothers next weekend and I would LOVE to have this space completed. So, we're pushing hard to hopefully meet this goal in 10 days!
That yellow thing in the first picture is a drywall ceiling lift. Little did I know, you find these things at rental stores. I showed up at Home Depot one night this week about 30 minutes before they closed thinking/asking to rent one. The man at the counter looked at me confused and I'm sure I returned the look because obviously, you go to Home Depot for EVERYTHING. Why would I need to go to a rental store??  Well, lucky me, there was a contractor at the counter who had one in his truck! (I think he felt sorry for me, but hey, I'll take it!)  He offered to rent me his for 1/2 the price of a normal rental and off I went. Score!!! This little contraption saved us (Al and Greg cause lets be honest, I didn't do the drywall) so much time.
This is the wall between the two rooms as the walls are going up
Check out our shower! This thing is HUGE!!! It's 4'x5' and it is going to awesome.
The boys putting up the ceiling in the bathroom. 

One bedroom complete!

Living room progress
Add caption

Check out our rain showerhead. I cannot wait to have this thing done!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm baaaaack!

My apologies for the silence! I wasn't posting for a couple of reasons. First, and most importantly, my little niece was born this week! I knew she was on her way and didn't want to spill the beans before Sean and Amber were able to share her arrival.  She's adorable and from what my mom says, an excellent baby so far, doin' what babies do and doing it well. I love her. I thought when Sean and Amber told us they were pregnant this summer it would take FOREVER for her birth day to arrive, but it really flew! (I don't know that the new parents can say the same) But gosh, I'm so excited to be an auntie to this little one. :)

Second, I was super busy with school and snow. Prior to owning a home, we never had to clear our own sidewalks or driveway and boy does that take a lot of time! Next year we will be getting a snowblower. No more wasting HOURS moving the stuff. Our friends who live down the block let us borrow theirs during a storm and we were SOLD.

Alright, I'm done with all the excuses. Time to update you on the house! When we bought the house the basement was listed as "finished" space. We assumed finished meant... well... Finished. Permitted. Little did we know, that's not the case. Our "finished" basement was never permitted, so learn from us! Always call the building safety people to confirm your "finished" basement meets all the specs the city requires. If not, then you have some leverage in the buying process :)

We're getting the proper permits and it has been a process! A painful process. It has slowed down our progress, caused more frustrating moments (we actually haven't fought through the remodel yet, but both of us have been annoyed and angry with this city), required Greg to take time off of work for inspections, but we're almost done! We have one more inspection this week, then hopefully we're home free and can continue moving forward... quickly.

Since I last updated we've added a new cool air return in the second bedroom downstairs (I didn't know this, but apparently you have to have cool air return in every room). We also (well not me) have been working on the plumbing. Our friend Joe came over and helped reroute all our shower piping and taught Greg how to use pex. Pex is sweet stuff. We're putting it in everywhere we can, anywhere there are new pipes. It eliminates the need for copper pipes and it's SUPER easy to put together. Thanks Joe so much for your help!! It looks so good and we couldn't have done it without his help!

This is the new piping in the shower. See those white pipes? That's Pex. Our pipes used to run across the ceiling to the opposite wall. This seems waaaay nicer and much more efficient than the previous system.

More Pex, more piping, that will go to our new vanity/sink.

This has been my job. Insulation. You know, making the basement as energy efficient as possible. Even though this is tedious work, the building inspector gave us props for using this insulation and doing it the way we are. He said we're doing it well and we're doing it right, so that's encouarging!

That's all I have for now. This weekend I'll be researching/youtubing how to tile the shower :) That's next on MY list (I'll actually be doing that job) and hopefully I'll show you the finished product soon!