Sunday, February 23, 2014


On Friday, I had a long morning break, so I headed to the cafeteria for some breakfast. I normally don't have time for this, but eggs and bacon sounded delicious and why not, I had time to relax and enjoy my breakfast. I got a coffee as well and  I was off to sit down, look at some pinterest and enjoy this break! I went through the checkout line and was DECLINED.

*I'm thinking to myself* What? You (the cashier) obviously must have slid my card wrong, it's obviously the cashier's fault, this NEVER has happened to me. 

So, she tries it again. DECLINED AGAIN! Oh my gosh. I could feel the red rushing to my face as the cashier sheepishly hands my card back to me and says, "Your card was declinced. Sorry." I was SO embarrassed. I put my breakfast at the side of the cashier, and told her "I'll figure something out." This all while I'm looking around to see if I know anyone. Thankfully, there were only two ladies behind me I didn't know which brought me some relief. 

Just as I'm about to leave, the lady behinds me says, "put her tab on mine." I look at her and ask if she's sure about this. Her response, "oh yes, I've got it." I thank her again and as I'm leaving the line she very loudly states, "No, NO, THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE A BLESSING TO SOMEONE ELSE."  What? Who does this? A simple "you're welcome" would have been sufficient. I went from ridiculously grateful/still embarrassed to a puzzled face and utter confusion as to why you would draw attention to yourself like this. What makes someone NEED to this? I'm not sure.

Anyway, what I took away from this situation is that I NEVER want to be that woman. Simple and mind you QUIET acts of kindness are the best. No need to draw attention to yourself. Let your blessing to someone be a blessing and move on. 

***side note: Our account is just fine. With all the remodel I lost track of one BIG bill and hadn't transferred $$ to cover it. Don't worry mom and dad, all is well here :)

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