Saturday, February 1, 2014


Yesterday we closed on our first home! YAY for being homeowners!! One of the first things we did was sit in a room and listen. And listen. And listen. We heard NOTHING! No pounding or endless rearranging of furniture above us, no slamming of doors around us, NO SHARING LAUNDRY ANYMORE!!! Oh, the things we are going to appreciate!

Here's a picture of the beauty

It was built in 1960 and has one owner. She moved into a nursing home and the house was only on the market for 4 days before we snatched it up! It's in a great neighborhood called Elton Hills... hence the name of the blog. Dad came and looked at homes with us and I'm so grateful he did! Even though we likely would have ended up with this one, I learned so much in going through homes with him. He's so knowledgeable. It's comforting to us that he thought this home was as good as we thought it was.

As you walk in this was our living room

Nasty! Gross! Yuck! BUT... underneath this disgusting 40 year old carpet (think of all the dead skin cells in that thing... my brother brought that up and I cannot get that thought out of my head!) there was a thing of beauty. We spent 6 hours last night cleaning, pulling up carpet, pulling of staples, and tack strips to find this

Aren't these gorgeous? We love them. This is why we bought this home. Though it needs updating, it has excellent bones and it was an excellent price. Since we dont' have to sand and stain our floors, we're doing a majority of our moving TODAY! I'll keep you updated along the way so you all can enjoy this process as much as we are, but you won't be sore and tired like us! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Those floors are so beautiful! Can you imagine what must have been going through those owners heads??? They build a new home, with lovely wood floors, then immediately cover them up with THAT carpet?? Haha. Fantastic find for you two!
