Monday, February 3, 2014

Demo Part 1

How do I say this nicely... our basement has a lot of "potential." When we first looked at the home, I envisioned this basement as a 1970s party basement. It has a sweet bar, a speaker in the ceiling, and really funky ceiling tiles. This is what it looked like.

And this is what we (I really did nothing) my bro, hubby, and friend did this...

I'm SO glad we did this tonight. Look at what we found in our ceiling!

This is worse than the carpet! (It's just dead bugs, but the spider webs are awful!) We have a buddy who's a pest guy. He will be coming over ASAP.

We also found a couple lamps, trim, and gutters in the ceiling. You know, just the usual things you hide in a ceiling (who does this???)
Let the demo begin!!


  1. So some good progress. Way to go. Can't wait to see it in person. :)

  2. Yeah, it really is impressive to me how knocking crappy looking stuff down makes such a huge difference! :) You guys look like you are working fast. Nice job! Those bugs would totally gross me out--what did the exterminator say??
