Monday, February 17, 2014


We're making progress!! Last weekend we were busy with family and friends, so needless to say, we didn't get much done around the house. This weekend we were home and we got so. much. done! 
This is all the garbage from our ceiling demolition that my brother cleaned up. The boys told me I couldn't move it 'cause "it's too heavy." Well, I moved all of it! Thank you crossfit for functional movements! Each bag was full of sheetrock so the bags ranged from probably 60 lbs to 100lbs each. Moving them up a flight of stairs was a chore, but I got my workout in for the day!

This is what the new bedroom (or 2) downstairs initially looked like. I call this the party room because it had a bar, a speaker in the ceiling, and tile floors. I can only imagine the fun that was had here. We demolished this today and now it looks like this.

 We're not sure what that thing on the left was. It could have been a stage, storage, a bench for people to sit on. Well whatever it was, it is no longer.

Bye bye bar!

The basement is cinder block walls, so we're insulating with 2" styrofoam. This was super easy to put up and reminded me of my days of buiding basments with my dad and siblings.

 All the foam is up in the "party room." 

  Look at out our framing (I checked to make sure it's level and it is spot. on.)! This is our good friend teaching us (really my hubby) how to frame, use the nail gun, make sure everything is level and square. This man is a perfectionist and we're beyond grateful to have him help us with this project!

Full weekend here in Elton Hills. It's exciting to plan, make decisions, and see progress being made. It's beginning to take shape. I know I already did a post dedicated to my brother, but today I did most of the clean up in the basement from more demolition. I was super thankful for his help last week, but I'm even MORE grateful having spent the last two days cleaning/moving/organizing the basement. Thanks again little bro!!


  1. Awesome! Love the party room demolition! And seriously - amazing to learn those framing/drywall skills.

    1. I agree Ren! I'm so happy Greg is learning these things because once he's taught, he'll know it forever! These are handy skills to have :)

  2. Additionally, I didn't say you COULDN'T move those bags, just that you should let me do it. So sensitive... but you're a total badass.

    1. I just discovered you were doing this. Love the updates! Maybe I'll come take advantage of your guest bedroom..........when you aren't tearing apart and putting your house back together. I'm really not that handy otherwise I'd help!

    2. You totally can take advantage of our guest room Brandon! And Greg, that's right, you're married to a badass. Glad you finally admit to it! ;)
